Mugwort Ritual Oil | Divine Feminine Oil


Artemesia Vulgaris
30 ml Bottle
Ingredients: Mugwort, Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Magic

Mugwort Oil used topically has been traditionally used with women in relieving painful, irregular and unbalanced menses. Rubbed on the lower abdomen, Mugwort oil can reduce cramping and discomfort during one’s cycle. It can also help in raising the temperature of the womb / lower jiao (when the low belly is cooler to touch than the upper belly and chest). It also helps to reduce blood stagnation. It may also be used to ease discomfort in the birthing process and promote easy labor. In lore, mugwort is a visionary herb and is used ritualistically in practicing prophecy and divination. It is closely linked to the crystal ball. It is connected with both Neptune and Venus.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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