
At Stenella Farms, we are extremely passionate about sustainability. We want to reduce our impact on the planet and make certain that the medicinal plants we use will be available for future generations. There are three facets to our sustainability plan: Harvest, Cultivation, & Packaging.


Before ever harvesting wild plants, it is our practice to get to know the plant. We make certain that we have a correct identification of the plant. We locate other plants of the same variety on the property. We then observe the plants and their behavior for at least one season before harvesting. We harvest only what we need and make certain to use everything we harvest. We harvest less than 5% of the plants we have and make certain to harvest from multiple locations. One of the most important parts to us, is being intentional with our harvests, honoring the land, plants and Mother Nature.


We are continuously working to cultivate more medicinal plants on Stenella Farms. We always cultivate plants with organic seeds, bare roots or plants. We attempt to cultivate new and rare plants in multiple locations on the property. We make our own organic compost and create mulch from fallen branches on the property. We are completely chemical free in our farming practices and our lifestyle.


In addition to making certain that we are sustainably working with plants, we want to make sure our packaging and mailing is sustainable as well. We are committed to continuing to evolve and grow in this area, but here’s what we’ve done so far. We use only glass bottles for all of our packaging. We try our best to source bottles from companies that ship with as little plastic as possible. We use 100% recycled mailers. Our business cards and info cards are printed on recycled paper. All herbs in the apothecary are stored in glass.