Lily of the Valley Flower Essence | Unity of Spirit and Form


Lily of the Valley is a hallmark of May, spring in full swing. Lore has it that nightingales won't sing until Lily of the Valley blooms. Lily of the Valley is elusive in that its scent cannot be captured, yet grounded in two modes of reproduction. It gives us the high of experiencing Heavens tangible creations on Earth, uniting spirit and form. Lily of the Valley can be used to call upon and welcome in spirit guides and fairies. Lily of the Valley is a symbol of rebirth after trauma on any level of body, mind, spirit and emotion.

Element: Wood
Yin Organ: Liver
Horary Time: 1-3am
Season: Spring
Flower New Moon, Stenella Farms, Stratham NH

Lily of the Valley is part of the Maia Collection and the Poison Patch Collection.

The Maia Colleciton is a tribute to the Roman Goddess of Spring and Flowers. These early spring blooms give us the hope and vision of new beginnings through the element of Wood. As within every little bit of nature, all the elements exist. As these early bloomers let go of their blooms to make space for their leaves, there is an aspect of the metal element that comes into play. Metal teaches us about value, taking in the purest vibrations and releasing that which we no longer need. Early bloomers holding flowers all spring, summer and fall would die, as it requires far too much energy to stay in bloom all year round! Perhaps this time, provides such an opportunity for us.

"Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself." -Lao Tzu

The Poison Patch Collection is inspired by the duality of Yin and Yang, Shadow and Light. The shadow side is darker, colder, inward and more vulnerable. These remedies allow us to go deeper within ourselves in working with the shadow. Flower essences are a safe way to work with poisonous plant allies. Poison plants are known for their emotional healing properties as they bring shadow to light and light to shadow, illuminating the duality of life and gifting us with the clarity of our experience and purpose.

“Without shadow, we do not know light.”

*Recommended Dose: 3 Drops under the tongue for 21 days during the horary time of the essence (or the opposing time).

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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