Mullein / Jia Yan Ye
Verbascum Thapsus
AKA: Velvet Plant, Figwort, Jupiter’s Staff, Blanket Herb, Torch Flower, Flannel Flower
This velvety biennial grows easily from seed. It is the first medicinal herb I identified on Stenella and began working with. Thus it is really the plant that initiated me into herbalism. Mullein is the plant that lights the way for me and lights me up from inside out. It has a cool to neutral energy and a bland to salty taste. It is most commonly associated with the Metal Element.

Mugwort / Ai Ye
Artemesia Vulgaris
AKA: Moon Goddess, named for the Greek goddess Artemis
This aromatic perennial grows easily from seed just about anywhere, even roadsides. Culpeper says, “It’s leaves and flowers are full of virtue.” Honestly, when I first began working with mugwort, I was really allergic to it. In acupuncture school, I couldn’t stay in a room where it was being used as I almost immediately got a debilitating headache. Despite this, I had a deep connection with the herb and so deeply wanted to get to know it. Overtime, I got to know the plant and my own divine feminine and now I share her with you, which brings this full circle for me. It has a warm energy and a bitter and acrid taste. It is most commonly associated with the Water Element.